Mbah Breaks 20-Year Old Water Jinx
Governor of Enugu State, His Excellency Dr. Peter Mbah Inaugurates Landmark Water Project abd commissioned the water gallery at Thinkers Corner Enugu.Commissioning the project on Saturday, November 25, 2023 after the commissioning of the 9th Mile 24/7 Water Scheme in fulfillment of his campaign promise to restore water to Enugu city in 180 days from the date of his inauguration, Dr. Mbah explained that the water gallery will ensure citizens, who may not have water supply connected to their premises, get their water from the gallery.
Regretting the dire water challenges faced by Enugu residents before now, he said availability of potable water was consequential to his administration’s vision to raise the state’s economy from $.4.4 billion to $30 billion GDP in four to eight years.
Announcing that his administration has already built 96 water galleries already, upon assumption of office Dr. Mbah stated “It was clear to us that the status of water supply at the time was deplorable. At that time, there had been no reliable water supply in most parts of Enugu State for almost 20 years”.
“One need not be a rocket scientist to discern that few investors will be attracted to the state under such dire circumstances, nor can existing businesses expand to generate additional jobs and economic growth. If anything, these conditions are suffocating businesses and households and leading to unnecessary suffering
across the State”.
Dr Mbah recalled that the promise to provide potable water within the timeline of 180 days triggered disbelief in most quarters and that is perhaps understandable, realising the countless successive, but fruitless attempts to address the problem.
The governor equally assured that efforts would be intensified to extend pipe-borne water to a number of major residential areas which have developed since the last major pipe-laying projects in Enugu.
Cities worldwide, from London to New York, Paris to Vienna, are embracing progressive approaches like water galleries to provide accessible, clean water for their residents on the go. By drawing inspiration from these leading urban centers, Enugu State has a unique opportunity to champion similar endeavors, ensuring its citizens have reliable access to potable water and enhancing overall quality of life.
The Governor also called on Ndị Enugu to take full responsibility of the facilities, saying that the government cannot afford to see these facilities vandalized or stolen!